If you dread the inevitable hangover that hits following a night of revelry, the ideal plan is to drink in moderation. Try alternating alcoholic drinks with water to help you stay hydrated and slow you down. Remember, prevention is the best cure. However, if you can’t help but overindulge on your favorite drinks during a night out with friends, try these seven best hangover cures the morning after.
Eat Light
Some people swear by greasy bacon and eggs to cure a hangover, but this is likely just to give you heartburn. Opt for an easy-to-digest breakfast of toast or cereal instead. You want to get healthy calories back into your system to help you recover from the night before.
Go for a Virgin Mary
The supposedly effective trick of drinking alcohol to ease a hangover is only a temporary fix. Your symptoms may ease slightly for now, but taking the edge off your headache with a Bloody Mary could lead to an even worse hangover tomorrow. Opt for a Virgin Mary instead.
Drink Alka-Seltzer
This fizzy medicine contains sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which neutralizes stomach acid and eases queasiness. Just be aware that other ingredients in Alka-Seltzer, including citric acid and aspirin, could irritate your stomach following a night of overindulgent drinking.
Water, juice and sports drinks are the best things to consume when recovering from a hangover. Even though there’s more at play here than just dehydration, replacing the fluids you’ve lost will certainly get you on the road to recovery.
Take a Multivitamin
You might have heard of “hangover pills” that allegedly prevent or cure hangovers. Unfortunately, the claims manufacturers make are unsubstantiated by scientific evidence. The better option is to take a multivitamin to help restore nutrients your body might have lost.
Go Light on the Coffee
If you’re a big coffee drinker, skipping your morning cup of Joe could make you vulnerable to a caffeine-withdrawal headache on top of your hangover. However, drinking too much coffee could narrow your blood vessels and increase blood pressure, both of which can worsen your symptoms. Try a small cup of coffee and wait 30 minutes to an hour to see how you feel before having more.
Sleep it Off
What your foggy brain and achy body need the most is extra rest. If you have the luxury of sleeping in, do so. In the end, time is the only surefire treatment for a hangover, and resting will help minimize the impact of your symptoms while you wait for them to pass.
At Vinum Bar, we encourage our patrons to drink responsibly and arrange a ride home if necessary. We have an extensive wine list to satisfy your craving for everything from light and fruity to dark and earthy, but we also offer soft drinks to keep the party going without overindulging. Stop by Vinum Bar tonight in Newark, CA or call us at 510-285-3585 to make a reservation.